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Product identification

Published by ¡¡Publisher: AdminDate: 10/28/2022 8:46:38 PM¡¡Read: 189
Application of product nameplates
Product nameplates mainly need to be retained for a long time, especially durability in order to be able to identify the characteristics of different products for a long time.

Application scenario requirements
The nameplate resistance demand of general products is related to the environment in which the product itself is used, such as the wind-blown ultraviolet rays of the air conditioner, the high and low temperature application of small household appliances, the high temperature of electronic circuit boards, etc., which may damage the name plate of the product, so the need for heat transfer ribbon has strong resistance.

Ribbon recommended by VISION
In VISION's thermal transfer ribbon, resin-based series ribbon can be well used in the product nameplate, resin-based ribbon has the characteristics of strong scratch resistance, high blackness, strong corrosion, etc., can be well used with various film materials, high ink adhesion can meet a variety of harsh transportation environments such as high temperature, high humidity, low temperature, strong ultraviolet rays, etc., and can choose resin-based carbon belts V320, V330, V360.
Address:No. 2, Jingsi Road, Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Comprehensive Economic Development Zone, Anhui
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