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Wash labels

Published by ¡¡Publisher: AdminDate: 10/28/2022 8:41:57 PM¡¡Read: 182
Application of washed labels
Clothing wash labels are generally sewn on clothing or other fabrics, identifying the brand, model, composition, precautions, production date and other information of the fabric.

Application scenario requirements
Because clothing washing labels will be exposed to laundry detergent/powder solution washing, dry cleaning agents, ironing machines, etc., they need strong water washing resistance, dry cleaning resistance, high temperature ironing resistance, good durability, and because of the tightness of the webbing, the requirements for printing blackness are also extremely demanding.

Ribbon recommended by VISION
VISION's washable ribbon series ribbon has strong resistance to washing, dry cleaning, high temperature ironing and other properties, if the surface of the printing material is more delicate, you can choose V630 and V632; If the printing material is more tolerant, you can use V650.
Address:No. 2, Jingsi Road, Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Comprehensive Economic Development Zone, Anhui
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