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How much do you know about artificial intelligence recognition technology?

Published by ¡¡Publisher: AdminDate: 9/27/2022 8:41:09 PM¡¡Read: 199

Artificial intelligence recognition technology refers to the technical means to automatically obtain and identify target instructions, data and other information through computers, cameras, scanners and other equipment.Originated from voice control technology (voice recognition technology), voice control technology has been widely used in the control and interaction of smart phones, the core of which is to identify people's speech and compare it with the mobile phone command set to control the mobile phone.

According to whether the identified object has vital characteristics, artificial intelligence recognition technology can be mainly divided into two categories: life recognition and non-life recognition.

The essence of life artificial intelligence recognition technology refers to the technology that has a certain relationship with the characteristics of human life, including speech recognition, fingerprint recognition, face recognition, iris recognition, etc.The working principle of speech recognition technology is based on the scientific and effective recognition of the speech issued by the recognizer itself, correctly recognizing the content of the speech, or judging the identity of the speaker through speech (saying living person recognition);In the practical application of artificial intelligence fingerprint recognition technology, its working principle is to carry out intelligent recognition of human fingerprints, and finally correctly determine and identify the corresponding person to whom the fingerprints belong, so as to meet the actual needs;Artificial intelligence face recognition technology is based on the intelligent recognition of people's faces, scientific and reasonable testing of different structural features of people's faces, and finally clearly judging and identifying the actual identity of the examiner;Iris recognition is to determine its actual identity through the characteristics of the iris.

The essence of lifeless identification technology refers to the technology that has no connection with the characteristics of human life, which mainly includes radio frequency identification technology, smart card technology, and bar code identification technology.The core of the work of radio frequency identification technology is radio magnetic waves, and its specific working principle is: radio signals are transmitted under the electromagnetic field to complete the identification of data and labels;Barcode recognition technology includes one-dimensional code technology and two-dimensional code technology, two-dimensional code technology is developed on the basis of one-dimensional code technology, leaving more space for data storage, and can also correct errors, and has a very effective application in information labeling and information collection;Smart card identification technology identification object is mainly smart card, smart card is mainly composed of integrated circuit boards, its work is mainly for the data to expand the operation and storage, through the computing technology is well integrated into the smart card, all kinds of work for data have been efficiently completed.

The application of artificial intelligence recognition technology is very extensive, and different kinds of artificial intelligence recognition technology has been applied to various fields of society, such as language translation, facial recognition and other social activities can see the participation of computer artificial intelligence.In addition, two-dimensional code recognition and use is the most typical way of artificial intelligence recognition technology application, its use is mainly in the form of two-dimensional code generation programs and instructions, in the user's mobile terminal screen to generate black and white grid stitching of the plane graphics, the distribution of these plane graphics generally has a certain regularity, through the arrangement and combination of various graphics, the two-dimensional code pattern has uniqueness, so the user can save and record the two-dimensional code pattern.

We believe that as researchers continue to optimize and innovate the relevant technologies of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence identification technology will meet people's work and life needs to a greater extent.

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