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Create an upgraded version of public services and weave a tightly woven people's livelihood security

Published by ¡¡Publisher: AdminDate: 9/27/2022 8:37:51 PM¡¡Read: 159

The 14th Five-Year Plan for Public Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was officially issued.The "Plan" makes it clear that by 2025, the public service system will be more perfect, the public service supply pattern of basic government guarantees, social diversified participation, and shared by the whole people will be basically formed, and the people's well-being will reach a new level.

Public services are related to people's livelihood and connect people's hearts, and the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it.In recent years, the level of public services in China has been greatly improved, providing a strong guarantee for improving people's livelihood.The "Plan" is a comprehensive, basic and guiding document to promote the development of public services in the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and even longer, which is conducive to continuously promoting the equalization of basic public services, expanding the supply of inclusive non-basic public services, enriching the supply of multi-level diversified life services, and promoting the construction of public service systems to achieve new breakthroughs and step onto a new level.It is necessary to grasp the implementation of the "Plan", innovate the way of providing public services, optimize the service process, improve the service system, create an upgraded version of citizen services, and weave a tightly woven people's livelihood security network.

Pay attention to key groups of people and firmly grasp the bottom line of people's livelihood. ¡°During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the country's elderly population over the age of 60 is nearly 300 million, from mild aging to moderate aging, and further improving the population service system with the focus on "one old and one small" is a key issue related to family happiness and people's livelihood.The "Plan" mentions the word "pension" as many as 55 times, and proposes to improve the population service system with the focus on "one old and one small", which is a key measure to cope with the aging of the population.It is necessary to give prominence to the people's nature and the nature of the times, pay attention to the bottom line and inclusiveness, emphasize the integration and systematic concept, regard the cause of "one old and one small" as a political project to warm the people's hearts, a people's livelihood project to relieve the people's worries, and a development project to increase the people's interests, concentrate human, material, and financial resources to make targeted efforts, and comprehensively implement policies in the areas of early childhood care, youth development, elderly support, and care for the sick and disabled, and promote the service of providing services for the elderly and the disabled.

Focus on equalization and solidly promote common prosperity.The realization of common prosperity must be coordinated with basic public services, promoting the equalization of basic public services is the precondition for achieving common prosperity, and achieving common prosperity is a higher form of promoting the equalization of basic public services.According to the "Plan", by 2025, the level of equalization of basic public services in China will be significantly improved, the full coverage of the target population, the full standard of services, and the investment will be guaranteed, and the gap between the supply of basic public services in regions, urban and rural areas, and groups of people will be significantly reduced, so as to achieve equal enjoyment and convenience.It is necessary to grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, take the equalization of basic public services as the focus point, take the innovation of the distribution system as the driving force, take the first to get rich and then get rich as the starting point, and take the sharing of the whole people as the guarantee to promote common prosperity to achieve more obvious substantive progress.

Governing the country is constant, and the interests of the people are the foundation.In the new era, the development of public services has a new goal.We must always keep in mind that making the people's lives happy is the "great power of the country", continuously provide and optimize the supply of public services, continuously promote the equalization of basic public services, grasp the implementation one by one, improve the level of protection and improvement of people's livelihood, and continuously realize the people's yearning for a better life.

Address:No. 2, Jingsi Road, Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Comprehensive Economic Development Zone, Anhui
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